My Real Name
Today, I found out my real name. It is Ka-el aka Superman. Today was another bad day at work. For some reason, I am the only one that everyone come to solve problems. I can't take a break or eat lunch without someone wanting me to help them or do something. Sometime, I wonder if everyone around me (at work) is invisible and can not be seen, because my name is the only one that everyone knows. Somedays, I just want to take off the cape and boots and just rest. I am tired of lazy people. Somedays, I wish I could go to work with a baseball and hit a couple of homeruns on a lot of people heads. There is a lot of people at my job that just needs a swift kick in the as to jump start their brains or what they call a brain. Because there are days that this "superman" can not stop all of the speeding bullets or outrun a speeding train.
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